Greek philosophers believed that atomos were the smallest pieces of matter...
- Aristotle believed there were 4 elements : earth, air, fire and water
From this theory marked the beginning towards a greater understanding of matter.

- Aristotle believed there were 4 elements : earth, air, fire and water
There were many theories regarding this matter:
-Democritus, 300 B.C was a greek philosopher who believed that atoms were invisible particles
-Lavoisier in 1700's, he stated the first version of the law of conservation of mass and law of definite proportions
-Proust in 1799, proved that Lavoisier's law by experiments
-Dalton in 1800's defined atoms as solid and indestructible spheres based on the Law of Conservation of Mass
-J.J. Thomson in 1850's came up with the first theory atoms have either positive or negative charges which proved the existence of electrons using using a cathrode ray tube
-Rutherford in 1905, proved atoms having a positive charge, dense center with electrons outstide it and explains why electrons spun around nucleus and suggested atoms are mostly empty space
-Neils Bohr in 1885-1962, studied gaseous samples of atoms, which were made to glow by passing an electonic current through them
Bohr Diagram
Remember! Project on History of Atomic Theory
DUE: Next Tuesday
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